Note: Prices for the 2025 season have not been definitively set yet, please visit our website after January 1, 2025. Thank you.

1st day, map, GPX

Current information is available at registration.

Maps, Routes

Changing the route guidance is reserved.

Day 1 / Saturday

mapa sobota

A better quality printed map and the route description is available at the start of the march.
Download a high quality scan of the map

Starting and finishing place, headquarters

Community Center, Brno Bystrc  Map with tourist marking

Navigation data files (GPX)

11,1 km –  GPX (Garmin)
21,1 km –  GPX (Garmin)
31,8 km –  GPX (Garmin)
39,8 km –  GPX (Garmin)

Route descriptions

You will get the route description at the start of the march
download – popis-en-1day.pdf