Note: Prices for the 2025 season have not been definitively set yet, please visit our website after January 1, 2025. Thank you.

2nd day – description of the routes

download English – popis-en-2day.pdf

The system of waymarking trails – EN (pdf, 2.1 MByte)
Attention: pedestrian signs have coloured stripes in the order „white-coloured-white“. Do not confuse this with the „yellow-colour-yellow“ cyclist markings.

Description of the routes

12,0 km

Set out following the intrinsic marking round the church and the town hall to the pedestrian crossing, wherestart following the yellow tourist marking. Continue to the right (past Svratka river) until you reach the restaurant „U Klimesu”. Then follow the yellow marking (against the current of „Vrbovec” brook) all the way to the checkpoint K1 „Vrbovec pond (3.0 km). There turn left, and go up following the green marking to the crossroad „U Jezirka”. Turn left again, and the green marking will lead you to lookout „Holedna” – ascent at your own risk! Just in front of the lookout, starts the yellow marking – follow it and then 100 meters further, turn right following the IML 10 arrows to the ridge. Still on the yellow, turn left an continue on the ridge to the crossroad „Hobrtenky”. Turn right and following the green marking start the descent all the way to the pond „Vrbovec – rybnik” – checkpoint K1. Here you cross to the left on the yellow marking, following the current of the brook Vrbovec, through the valley all the way back to the trip destination.

19,7 km

Set out following the intrinsic marking round the church and the town hall to the pedestrian crossing, where you start following the yellow tourist marking. Continue to the left (against the current of the river Svratka) until you each the dam „Brnenska prehrada” (1.0 km) – checkpoint K2. Continue along the dam of all the way to the crossroads „Rakovec”. We mount through „Kocici zleb”, following the yellow marking to the fountain „Risova studanka” (5,8 km) – checkpoint K4. Then continue following the blue marking, which will take you to the car park under the castle „Veverí” (10.1 km) – checkpoint K5. Then turn right, now following the red marking. We cross over the foot bridge to the left shore of the lake „Brnenska prehrada”, from where you continue all the way to the restaurant „Princezna” (15.3 km) – checkpoint Osada K7. Then follow the red marking until you reach the dam (18.5 km). Turn left, following the yellow marking (following the current of the Svratka River) back to the trip destination.

31,9 km

Set out following the intrinsic marking round the church and the town hall to the pedestrian crossing, where you start following the yellow marking. We continue to the left (against the current of the river Svratka) until you reach the dam „Brnenska prehrada” (1,0 km) – checkpoint K2. There turn left, following the red marking until you reach „Horakuv Zleb”. Continue on the blue marking to the neighbourhood „Zebetin”. The street „Ostrovaciska” will lead you to the bus stop „Helencina studanka” – checkpoint K3. From there ascent slowly followint the yellow marking through „Risova” street up to the crossroad „Stinska”. Turn right and continue on the green marking. 100 meters further you should reach an tarmac forest road. Turn right and follow the green marking to the fountain „Risova studanka” – checkpoint K4. Turn left and follow the blue marking all the way to the car park of the castle „Veveri” (14.8 km) – checkpoint K5. From there we follow the red marking which will take you to the checkpoint K6, the bridge of the village „Veverska Bityska (17.9 km). After that turn right, following now the green marking all the way to the crossroads „Pod Dolnim Mlynem”. Turn right and follow the yellow along the lake to the crossroad „Junacka Louka – lavka”. Turn left following the red marking along the shore of the lake all the way to the restaurant „Princezna” (24.9 km) checkpoint K7. From there, continue to the left, following the red marking to the dam „Brnenska prehrada” (27.5 km). Still to the left, following now the yellow marking along the current of the river Svratka back to the trip destination.

Checkpoints on the routes

K1 8:30 – 13:00 Hour – Vrbovec rybník
K2 7:45 – 10:30 Hour – přehrada – hráz
K3 8:30 – 11:30 Hour – Žebětín – zast. MHD Helenčina
K4 8:30 – 12:30 Hour – Ríšova studánka
K5 9:00 – 14:00 Hour – parkoviště hrad Veveří
K6 10:00 – 15:00 Hour – Veverská Bítýška – most
K7 10:00 – 16:00 Hour – restaurace „Princezna“ na Osadě
Finish 17:00 Hour

Order of checkpoints on individual routes

12,0 km – K1
19,7 km – K2, K4, K5, K7
31,9 km – K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7

Elevation profiles of routes

download – profil-2day.pdf