Hinweis: Die Preise für das Jahr 2025 sind noch nicht endgültig festgelegt, besuchen Sie unsere Website nach dem 1. Januar 2025. Vielen Dank.

Payments options for services and start-fee

Banks charge relatively high fees for international payments, so we allow foreign subscribers to pay in Brno without a late payment surcharge.

If you really want to pay from a foreign bank to ours, here are the instructions:

Foreign Currency Payments: http://www.fio.cz/bank-services/payments/foreign-currencies

Payments from Eurozone

If your bank allows a variable symbol (VS), use the assigned starting number.

A Euro Payment is understood as a SEPA payment or a payment made using the TARGET2 European payment settlement system.

You pay in euro, rate 24,92 CZK/€
Please, add 1 € on bank charges!!! Thank you.

IBAN: CZ0520100000002600335065

Payments from other countries

If your bank allows a variable symbol (VS), use the assigned starting number.

You pay in euro, rate 24,92 CZK/€, Fee Disposition OUR

IBAN: CZ0520100000002600335065
Bank of Beneficiary: FIO banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Praha 1, Czech Republic

Please check the information with our bank www.fio.cz/bank-services/payments/foreign-currencies