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Brno Underground

Labyrinth underneath Zelný trh

Ossuary underneath the Church of St. James

Mint Master’s Cellar

Moravian Karst

The Výpustek Cave

Špilberk Castle

Not many cities in the Czech Republic can pride themselves for offering their tourists a phenomenon that is a network of underground tunnels, corridors, shafts, crypts and cellars. The City of Brno’s project consisting in making its underground accessible to the general public was divided into several stages. Having ended on 26 November 2010, the first stage consisted in the opening of the Mint Master’s Cellar at Dominikánské námìstí (square). As the second stage, the labyrinth of corridors underneath Zelný trh (Vegetable Market) was opened to public. Regarded as an accomplishment of Central European significance, the third stage in June 2012 was represented by one of the most interesting finds in recent years – the discovery of skeletal remains of 50,000 people in an ossuary underneath St. James Church.

»» the Brno Underground Web site (only Czech)

Labyrinth underneath Zelný trh (Vegetable Market)

April 2011 marked the grand opening of a large maze of underground tunnels, corridors and rooms, known as the “Labyrinth underneath Zelný trh”. Visitors can look forward to mysterious nooks and crannies of medieval cellars. Surprises are prepared for underground world explorers and enthusiasts, including a genuine medieval pillory. Guided tours through the labyrinth are offered every 60 minutes to groups of five to twenty-five people. The entrance to the labyrinth can be found in the building at Zelný trh 21.

Opening hours: Tuesday–Sunday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Monday: closed

»» more at web Tourist Information Center

Ossuary underneath the Church of St. James

In 2012 the ossuary underneath the Church of St. James was opened to public, more than 10 years after this unique place was discovered during the survey of the Brno underground in 2001.

Opening hours: Tuesday–Sunday: 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM, Monday: closed

»» more at web Tourist Information Center

Mint Master’s Cellar

The Mint Master’s Cellar (in Czech: Mincmistrovský sklep or Sklepení domu mincmistrù) refers to historical basements discovered during the survey of the Brno underground in 1999. In 2007 the basement that was formerly located underneath the townhouse owned by mint master Bruno and, later, burgher Mikuláš od Vìže, was opened to the public. Three years later renovated cellars of the New City Hall were connected to it.

Opening hours: Monday + Wednesday–Sunday: 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM,
Tuesday: closed

»» more at web Tourist Information Center

Note: The Brno underground is much larger – see a special website (Czech only).

Moravian Karst

The world-famous karst region lies on the territory of the Czech lands, in Moravia, not far from Brno. It is a fairly hilly landscape dissected by deep valleys of an area of about 100 km2, built up of the limestone of Devonian age. The image of the region has been worked out by the running water since that time, when the region was left by the sea the long bygone geological epochs ago. Yet long time ago five caves out of numerous discovered ones were chosen to be made accessible to public.


Špilberk Castle

For over seven centuries, Špilberk Castle has dominated the skyline of Brno, a reminder of the safety and protection it provided. However, there have been times in the history of Brno when the fortress inspired fear, and represented oppression for the citizens of the city.

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