Footpath marking in Czech Republic
Horizontal three-stripe marks
The arrow
Several marked paths of different leading colors
Local object marking
Marking of special interest trails
Detour to a peak or scenic vista
Detour to a fountain or well
Detour to another sight of interest
Detour to ruin of castle or other
Trail-end mark
The system of waymarking trails (EN) (pdf, 2.1 MByte)
Das Markierungssystem der Wanderwege (DE) (pdf, 2.2 MByte)
The extent of the marked trails network
The total extent of marked footpaths is around 40.000 km. Some 1.000 km of footpaths are in a suitable condition for use as cross-country
ski trails in winter. Besides that another 300 km of winter cross-country
ski trails are marked with a special cross-country ski trail mark.
By the end of 2003, different organizations had marked over 21.000 km of
cycle routes, the maintenance of which has gradually been undertaken by the
Czech Tourist Club (KÈT). Out of the total above, KÈT has marked and
maintained some 2.800 km of off-road cycle routes.
Tourists Marking System in Czech Republic
Footpath marking
The basic requirement in the course of the network building is that
paths marked with the same leading color do not join or intersect each
other if possible. An accompanying rule is that the main paths are marked
with red and blue marks while the secondary paths are marked with green and
Classification of marked paths
The whole network of marked footpaths is marked with three-stripe marks,
complemented with object marks to a limited extent.
Kinds of marks
The unified system of footpath marking uses square horizontal three-stripe
marks of 10 cm side length, the outer stripes of which are white and the
middle stripe colored. The space between the stripes is 0.5 cm wide. The
sequence of leading colors according to significance is red, blue, green
and yellow.
The arrow is used in the case where the marked path changes direction
suddenly or branches out in another direction.
If several marked paths of different leading colors pass through the
same route, all the marks are placed on one object in an obligatory shape
of a multicolor sign.
In the vicinity of recreational or tourism centers with a high density
of stripe mark network, the local object marking can also be met, which is
used particularly for shorter walking circuits. A square mark of 10 cm
side length is created by two equal triangles whereas the leading color
triangle is always on the right up. This mark also has its arrow design.
Special white square marks of 10 cm side length with green, 3
cm wide
diagonal stripe can be used for the marking of special interest trails.
This mark also has its arrow design.
However, the special interest trails are not always marked in this way.
A number of them lead along current stripe or local marking and they attain
the character of special interest trails only account of information panels
and special direction labels.
Detours of a maximum length of 1 km leading to attractive sights
disallowing the continuation of stripe or local marks, are marked with
these square object marks of 10 cm side length. Also, these marks have the
arrow design.
A square trail-end mark of 10 cm side length is used at both ends of
stripe or local marked path and at the end of each detour.
European long-distance and international paths
European long-distance paths are led along a common network of stripe
marked paths. Walkers are informed about their course by means of their
symbol (such as E8) shown in the arrowhead of fingerposts of all paths
which the e-path passes. The course of these paths is shown also in walking
maps of KÈT.
International paths are led in the same way; however there is no notice
of their course in the countryside. These are shown only in the walking
maps of KÈT.
Walking maps
KÈT is the publisher of walking maps covering continuously the
entire territory of the Czech Republic. These maps contain, besides walking
and geographical information, drawings of all marked footpaths,
cross-country ski trails and cycle routes. The series of maps in the scale
of 1:50000 (the so called green maps) serve for walking and cross-country skiing while
maps of the scale of 1:100000 (the so called yellow maps) serve for
cycling. In view of the fact that KÈT ensures the maintenance of all marked
trails in the Czech Republic, these maps provide the most reliable
information about their course.
Apart from KÈT, several other walking map publishers exist, whose series
however do not cover the entire territory of the Czech Republic.
The KÈT walking maps and maps of other publishers can be bought from the
existing network of bookshops.
You can buy
the green tourist map 1:50000 „KÈT 85 – Okolí Brna, Svratecko“ (surrounding Brno) in our
small store during the presence or start of the march in the lobby of the Community Center.
Organizations performing the marking
Klub èeských turistù (Czech Tourist Club),
PO BOX 37, Revoluèní 8, CZ 110 05 Praha 1, e-mail:
Footpath marking in
Czech Republic
Footpath marking on IML in Brno
Footpath marking on the Humorous Wheel-lubricating march
Foto Michael Stanovský